

Contributing to the world with Japanese medical products

Delivering highly reliable medical products to customers all over the world, we take pride in being involved in medical care market.
We will contribute to the development of medical care in the world through its improvement.





Good social and global contributions by Japan quality

Our goal is being a company that contributes to people’ s life and is needed by society by presenting reliable, safe, and high-quality Japanese products to the markets around the world.





Connecting "now" and "future" of Japan and the world

We are working to connect Japan and the world and connect the present to a prosperous future by connecting people and things by utilizing our unique sales channels and know-hows.


灵活的销售和独特的技术、通过人与物的连接、日本与世界的连接、 将现在与繁荣的未来连接起来。

社         名

株式会社ジェンコ (Genco Inc.)

本         社 東京都中央区日本橋掘留町 1-6-3 #604
代表取締役 辻村裕子
設         立 2012 年 11 月
事 業 内 容 医療機器及び医療関連商品・産業機器等の海外輸出業務
海外 Agent 業務
海 外 拠 点 中国  浙江省:杭州市西渓路 525 号 s 浙江大学国家大学科技園 A 楼西区 515 号
         広東省:広州市天河区大观南路中海康城 16 栋 70
取 引 銀 行 東京三菱 UFJ 銀行 日本橋支店
SBJ 銀行 上野支店

Company name Genco Inc.
Head office #604 1-6-3 Nihonbashihoridome-cho Chuo-ku 1030012 Tokyo Japan
CEO Hiroko Tsujimura
Established November 2012
Business content Exporting medical equipment and medical-related products / industrial equipment, etc.
 Sales / installation / maintenance works of medical equipment and medical-related products /industrial equipment etc.
Overseas agent business
 Supports and management of emigration, investments, contracts, applications, assetmanagement, etc.
Overseas offices China
Zhejiang Province: 525 Xixi Road, Hangzhou City 515 Zhejiang Un iversity National University
Science and Technology Park A Tower West District 515
Guangdong Province: 16 Zhonghai Kangcheng, South Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City 701
Banks Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Nihonbashi Branch
SBJ Bank Ueno Branch

公 司 名 称 Genco 有限公司
总公司 1-6-3 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo #604
董事长 辻村优子
创         立 2012 年11 月
业 务 内 容 医疗器械和医疗关联产品/ 产业设备等的海外出口业务
 销售/ 安装/ 维护工作
海 外 据 点 中国  浙江省:杭州市西溪路525 号 浙江大学国家大学科技园A 西区515 号
         广东省:广州市天河区南路中海康城16 号70
开 户 银 行 三菱东京UFJ 日本桥支行
SBJ 银行上野支行